United Nations Club

Date : July 2017

Six young men from the United Nations Club of S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia, visited our Center in Mattakkuliya on 31 July 2017. The team worked hard to clean our upstairs hall and our garden, and quite enjoyed helping out at our evening classes. Needless to say, our children loved having them in their classrooms.

Not only were we blessed to have them, we believe that they too were blessed to meet with our children and be part of the work being done in the Mattakkuliya area.

Volunteer work can be deeply fulfilling; these six young volunteers said that the exposure they received broadened their horizons greatly. “We look forward to helping out again!” they told us enthusiastically. We look forward to their future projects, and hope that their involvement will inspire many more young people from private schools like theirs, to want to make a difference in Sri Lanka.